The sound garden

Even Better Than The Disco Thing Various Artists

IF YOU are a regular listener to the Ray D’Arcy Show on Today FM you’re probably more than aware of this CD already.

Released in aid of the National Children’s Hospital and Barrettstown, Even Better Than The Disco Thing is a two CD compilation album of disco songs covered by Irish artists.

Over the last few years, three Even Better Than The Real Thing albums have been released in aid of The National Children’s Hospital, Barrettstown, and Unicef Tsumani Relief. Featured guests on the Ray D’Arcy show have been giving their favourite songs their own twist over the years resulting in more than €550,000 being raised for charity.

This year the show decided to go with a disco theme. Disco classics from the 1970s have been given a fresh lease of life by Irish artists, and it’s mostly good.

Stand out tracks on the album include Directors’ version of Anita Ward’s 1979 hit ‘Ring My Bell’. Michael Moloney’s unique vocals recreate the song and if the original wasn’t catchy enough they’ve done a good job at bringing it into 2009.

Other notable covers include Cathy Davey’s take on Donna Summer’s erotic-electro classic ‘I Feel Love’ and The Blizzards’ cover of ‘Temptation’.

Even if you’re not a huge disco fan (but come on! Who doesn’t love disco!? ) you’ll find this album intriguing.

My only problem is that I can’t really tell the difference between the first CD and the second one, which seemingly includes a selection of the covers remixed by “Yeah, yeah, funky yeah” Mark McCabe! Also no matter how much I want to love Jape’s version of Donna Summer’s ‘Hot Stuff’ it just seems to be one of those songs that can’t be made listenable.

Even Better Than The Disco Thing is still a must for the iPod as you’re sure to find some songs on it that you like. And after all, it is for charity!


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