Learn about African reflexology at open day in Loughrea

The Marguerite Brady School of reflexology, massage and reiki will hold an open day on Saturday from 11am to 4pm at 29 Ard Breeda, Loughrea.

People can find out about studying for an accredited diploma in African and classical reflexology which will begin on September 13 and 14. A 14 month programme, it will take place one weekend a month.

African reflexology was the brainchild of a former nurse, Chris Stormer, who was originally from Kenya but now lives in Johannesburg, South Africa. She studied classical reflexology in London.

“Like many trained reflexologists she intuitively felt there was more to feet than purely the search for crystals, swellings or tender reflex points,” explains Ms Brady. “She returned to South Africa and began to develop a new way of working with feet which involved working both feet together as well as began intuitively interpreting what the feet were conveying about our emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

“Our feet outwardly express our innermost thoughts, which are constantly being fed through the system in the form of energy. This triggers a series of e-motions (energy in motion ) as memories are evoked which affect what we do and whether we act or react to external stimuli, as well as the way in which we communicate, authentically or non confrontationally. This is all based on our sense of personal security which stems from the perceived position we hold in life plus our standing or role within family and society, all of which powerfully impacts upon our self worth and self esteem.”

She says that a greater understanding of what people “say” through the feet will help them take the most appropriate steps to deal with life events.

For further information telephone Marguerite Brady at (086 ) 0356970 or Alice Holland at (087 ) 6122280 or email address africanreflexology@gmail.com Marguerite gives one-to-one consultations in Loughrea and Kinvara on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Sessions last one hour and 45 minutes and cost €75. She also does hour-long consultations using feet markings which are recorded. They cost the same price.


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