Free first time buyers’ seminar next week

RE/MAX Premier Properties has reported an exceptional level of interest in the first time buyer’s seminar which will be held in the Radisson Hotel on Monday January 26.

“We have received a substantial number of calls from individuals wanting to confirm their place on the evening,” said Michelle Burke of RE/MAX Premier Properties. “This is an indication that there are buyers in the marketplace who are waiting to see when the time is right. There has been a significant reduction in house prices over the past six months, and vendors who want to sell are aware of market conditions and reducing their prices accordingly.”

Dep Frank Fahey, who recently held an information evening in the Marriott Hotel in Galway in relation to the Government Home Loan Scheme, is not surprised at the level of interest expressed.

“The evening is sure to be of interest to the many buyers currently seeking to purchase,” Dep Fahey said. “There is no doubt that the new home choice mortgage will enable many first time buyers to get 92 per cent mortgage up to €285,000.”

David Byrne of Simply Mortgages said that the market is pent up as there are many individuals and couples approved in principal, and while they want to buy, they are waiting for rates to drop further or for house prices to drop even more. “There is clear indication from the ECB that there will be a further fall in interest rates this month, making mortgages more affordable,” said Mr Byrne.

There are still some places available for the evening and registration is required. Contact RE/MAX Premier Properties at (091 ) 700808 to book a place.


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