Seminar series on access to finance for small businesses

A series of seminars aimed at helping small businesses to access finance will begin next month.

Enterprise Europe Network, in association with Galway Chamber, will host the seminars which will provide participants with a clear and basic outline of the availability of different types of SME finance, how to access it, and the criteria involved. The seminars will cover crowdfunding, bank financing and state agency funding.

Seminar one entitled ‘Crowdfunding and Business Angels’ will be held on September 16. Crowdfunding is peer-to-peer lending where private individuals lend small amounts to businesses at attractive rates. The seminar will explain how it works, who it can benefit, and what results can be expected.

The seminar looks at how to become investor ready and how the matching process works between investor and business. Presentations will be made by Marc Rafferty, Linked Finance; Gerry Mackey, Halo Business Angel Partnership, in addition to local case examples.

Seminar two entitled ‘Financing from your Bank” takes place on October 14, and looks at what businesses can expect at different stages of the business cycle and how financing from the bank plays an important role.

Experts from local banks will offer insight into how to prepare for each of these financial decisions, how to present a business proposal to ensure best chance of success and what common mistakes to avoid. Also presenting will be a representative from the Credit Review Office who will outline the credit review process and how it works.

The final seminar will focus on grant and state agency funding on November 11. The seminar will examine the various funding options available to SMEs and the criteria for application and eligibility rules. Attendees will find out what is currently available, who qualifies, and how to go about applying. Barry Egan, Enterprise Ireland; Breda Fox, Local Enterprise Office; Jim Keogh, Údarás na Gaeltachta, and Lorna Coleman, MicroFinance Ireland will be guest presenters.

All of the seminars will take place in Galway Chamber, Commerce House, Merchants Road, Galway, commencing at 9.30am until 11.00am. Attendance is free and both members and non-members of the Galway Chamber are welcome.

Bookings in advance to Mairead at eengalway@ or telephone 091-563536.


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