Castlebar Counselling and Therapy Centre is offering a foundation course in psychotherapy, counselling, and personal development commencing on October 7.
This one-year foundation course, which will run in the centre for 21 Tuesday nights, will help those who are considering a professional qualification in counselling or psychotherapy.
The course is also popular with people seeking their own personal development and for people working in professions where specialist counselling skills would be an advantage in their work.
During the past 11 years more than 160 participants have found this course to be fruitful in their own personal lives and in the workplace.
The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental theories of counselling and psychotherapy.
Castlebar Counselling and Psychotherapy provides a safe, professional, response to personal and social distress at a time when many people are experiencing a need for healing in a caring, therapeutic, environment.
Through its individual and therapeutic programmes and its training and educational courses, the centre offers the possibility of meeting life's problems in a more creative and self reliant way.
It emphasises the growth and integration of the whole person.
The centre has a particular interest in the prevention of suicide.
The centre, which is one of three sister centres, has for many years worked especially with young people who experience suicidal thoughts or feelings, and with their families.
It is well publicised that suicide remains a particular problem here in Ireland.
The loss of meaning and hope in life seems to cause far too many people to think of suicide as a way out of their suffering.
Men and women of all ages continue to consider suicide as a solution to the absence of freedom and joy in their lives.
The therapists at the centre have developed an approach to this problem that seems to be particularly helpful.
The urgency of providing a fully professional service with appropriate ongoing follow up which includes both individual and group support is becoming emphasised daily in coroners’ reports and other media articles.
The Castlebar centre is contactable by anyone who is struggling in this area and by anyone who wants to provide sensitive help for people who have expressed suffering in this way.
The centre is staffed by experienced accredited professional counsellors/psychotherapists. People can self refer or be referred by family members or friends, or by their GPs or other consultants.
Call 094 9028746 or email for more information.