New book from Galway publisher Arlen House

THE NEGATIVE Cutter, a collection combining two very different novellas by Patrick Chapman, is out now from Galway publisher Arlen House.

The first story, Anhedonia, is a bittersweet study of a relationship over several years, while the title story is a satirical dystopia which takes a merciless look at conservative forces in contemporary Ireland through an alternative universe setting.

Chapman, from Roscommon, is an award-winning author of six poetry collections and two works of fiction. He has written several episodes for children’s TV shows, including Garth & Bev, Wildernuts, and Bubble Bath Bay. He also wrote the Doctor Who audio adventure Fear of the Daleks (2007 ) and produced B7 Productions’ 2014 adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles for BBC Radio 4.

The Negative Cutter is available from Kenny’s Bookshop, as well as from Amazon, Abe Books, and Book Depository.


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