Moving radio documentary wins award for Galway journalism student

Galway student David Nevin has been selected as winner of the 2014 Headline Award for Student Journalism Related to Mental Health and Suicide for his radio documentary From Darkness Into Light.

David, a Galway native who is an MA journalism student in NUIG picked up the award for his radio documentary that discusses the issues relating to mental health care in Ireland. Judging the shortlisted entries, Carl O’Brien, chief reporter with The Irish Times said that the documentary is “a finely crafted and comprehensive radio documentary which combines personal accounts of mental health with analysis of deficits in the system and how it could be improved. A valuable and moving piece of journalism”.

Mr O’Brien went on to say; “The standard overall was of a very high quality, I felt, and would give the mainstream media a run for its money. It's very encouraging to see the level of "mental health literacy" among students these days, which I think bodes well for the future.”

Headline, the national media monitoring programme for mental health and suicide created the award for student journalism to raise awareness among media students in recognition of the issues involved when reporting on mental health and suicide and to recognise the good work being produced.

David Nevin is currently working in the newsroom at Galway Bay fm. The radio documentary was part of the broadcasting module taught on the Masters in Journalism course under the tutelage of broadcasting lecturer Bernadette Prendergast, head of news at Galway Bay fm.

Jane Arigho, media project coordinator with Headline said; “The media have a huge impact on the way we think about suicide and mental health issues. The standard of submissions for the Headline award suggests that the next generation of journalists will play a key role in raising awareness of and de-stigmatising suicide mental health problems.”

She continued; “Dedicated and responsible coverage of suicide and mental health issues of this calibre will not only contribute to greater public understanding but also encourage those in distress to reach out and seek the help that they need.”

Headline works closely with media professionals and students alike to promote and facilitate responsible and sensitive coverage of these important issues and delivers such training as part of all of the major third level journalism, communications and media courses in Ireland.

As part of the prize for winning this prestigious award, David Nevin will receive a Headline trophy and an iPad mini.

The documentary is available to podcast on


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