CAO releases short video guide online in advance of Round One offers

The Central Applications Office (CAO ) has this week launched a useful online resource for CAO applicants who are anxiously awaiting Round One offers on Monday August 18.

The four minute video titled ‘A guide to the CAO Offer and Acceptance process’ can be viewed on the CAO website

The online video talks applicants through the Offer and Acceptance process and aims to answer some common questions that arise at this time of the year.

Speaking about the video guide, CAO Communications Officer, Eileen Keleghan, encouraged applicants to share this resource via social media in order to help classmates and friends understand what to expect during the CAO offer season.

She said, “This guide summarises the offer and acceptance process explaining in detail the many different ways that applicants are informed about an offer and also what happens if they have not received an offer.

“We hope that people will share this free resource in order to ensure that applicants avoid some of the common pitfalls experienced at this time of the year; for example, not notifying CAO of any errors or omissions in a Statement of Application Record or not accepting an offer by the reply date” added Ms Keleghan.

CAO Applicants can check to see if they have received an offer by going online at and logging on to their account using the ‘My Application’ facility from 6am on Monday August 18.

Successful applicants will also receive an offer notification via e-mail and SMS text if they have selected this option on their application form.

Paper Offer Notices will reach the majority of applicants on Monday August 18; if an applicant has not received an offer they will receive a ‘Statement of Application Record’ in the post which they must read carefully and notify CAO of any changes immediately.

Round Two Offers will be available online on Thursday August 28 from 6am, and after this offers are issued on a weekly basis until October 10 for any remaining places.

Applicants are also encouraged to regularly check the Available Place facility on the CAO website to view all vacant places for which they may apply providing that they meet the minimum entry requirements – other restrictions also apply.

The CAO Offer and Acceptance video is accessible here:


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