Calling all former CIE staff

A special Mass has been arranged for all CIE staff, retired or working, in Galway on Friday August 15 at St Patrick’s Church, Forster Street at 7.30 pm.

It will be jointly celebrated by brothers Fr Bill and Fr Wally McNamara whose late father Thomas was the station master in Galway from 1949 to 1954.

Fr Bill is a retired parish priest in the archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas, and Fr Wally, a member of the Holy Spirit Fathers, is retired and living in Kimmage Manor, Dublin, after a lifetime as a missionary priest. Both men lived at Ceannt Station in Galway.

All members of CIE staff who worked in the road passenger, road freight, rail, Permanent Way, clerical, executive, catering (including Great Southern Hotels ), Galway/Aran Services and maintenance over the years along with their family and friends are welcome to attend this once-off occasion.

For further information contact (086 ) 6816411.


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