Gort Poor Law Union archive available to view on microfilm

The Galway County Council has made the Gort Poor Law Union archive, with material dating from 1841 to 1921, available for the public to view on microfilm.

The files can be viewed at the council’s archives section in the County Library Headquarters, Island House, Cathedral Square. The collection consists of 91 Board of Guardian minute books, an Indoor Relief Register (1914-1920 ), incoming letter book (1912-1916 ), indoor relief list (1917-1919 ), a provisions check account (1917-1919 ), and 24 volumes of rough minutes (1844-1959 ).

The files contain information on the Famine and how it affected the Gort region, emigration in the 1850s, statistics on accommodation, and interesting facts such as how Lady Gregory often invited workhouse children to spend afternoons in Coole Park.

Access to the records is by appointment with the archivist at Island House on 091 - 562471.


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