Barnaderg post office reprieve welcome, but not end of matter says Connaughton

“A victory for the local community” is how the keeping open of the Barnaderg Post Office is being described. However there are concerns this only applies for the next 12 months.

Fine Gael Galway East TD Paul Connaughton has welcomed the decision to keep the post office, located within the broader Tuam area, open until July 2015 in order to determine its viability.

“This is really a victory for the people of Barnadearg, for Bernard Keeley and his committee who mounted such a strong local campaign to have this service retained,” he said. “I would urge local people to use the post office to ensure its future can be secured.”

Nonetheless, Dep Connaughton admitted being “disappointed” that the opening is only guaranteed for another year. He is calling on An Post to “set out clear parameters” as to what the criteria “for a viable post office” so local communities “can have clear guidelines”.

He also wants to see “clarity in relation to Cappataggle” and other post offices threatened with closure.

Dep Connaughton has urged An Post to work with the Government to ensure “we don’t have a drip feed” of post offices threatened with closure, but rather “ensure the long-term viability of the post office network”.


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