Samaritans at this year’s Galway Arts Festival

Samaritan volunteers will be in the city centre this weekend providing discreet face-to-face emotional support at Eyre Square to anyone attending the Galway Arts Festival. This outreach programme will be available from Friday evening through to early Sunday. Volunteers will provide emotional support to people in need and to raise awareness of suicide. Events such as this allow Samaritans to go direct to those in emotional need who would not ordinarily come directly to them.

Samaritans festival director, Catherine Slater, said: “We as Samaritans are delighted to be going to the Galway Arts Festival again this year, to provide discreet face-to-face emotional support to anyone who needs it over the weekend.

“Having the chance to talk about your feelings is as important as ever, particularly as people are trying to cope with the present economic downturn,” she added. “Samaritans are providing a unique opportunity this weekend in Galway for anyone in need of emotional support to talk to our volunteers. We will be out and about whatever the weather.”

This outreach programme has seen Samaritans festival branch volunteers present at many festivals already this summer, raising awareness of suicide and providing emotional support. Festivals include North West 200 in Portrush, Strawberry Fair in Enniscorthy, and Gay Pride in Dublin. The festival branch draws from volunteers across all Samaritans branches in Ireland.


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