Not too late to get the flu vaccine — Treacy

It is not too late for people who may be at risk of catching the flu to get the flu vaccine from their local GP, Dep Noel Treacy has pointed out this week. The east Galway TD has urged anyone at risk of contracting flu to get the vaccine as soon as possible.

“The numbers of people visiting their GP with flu like symptoms is significantly up on this time last year,” Deputy Treacy said. “It is particularly prevalent in the 15 to 64 age group. It is not too late to get the flu vaccination, and medical experts are highly recommending anyone at risk of contracting the flu to get the vaccination as soon as possible.”

The at-risk categories include people aged 50 years or older; those with chronic illness; children on long-term aspirin therapy; children with any condition that can compromise respiratory function; residents of nursing homes; those likely to transmit the flu to people in the at-risk group; healthcare workers; poultry workers; veterinary inspectors; agricultural workers; park rangers; and pregnant women.

“Flu is a very potentially serious illness and a new flu vaccine must be given each year to provide the necessary protection,” Dep Treacy added. “For older people and those with a chronic illness, flu can cause severe illness and can even be life threatening. It is also a very infectious.

“The flu appears to be particularly prevalent this year, so I would urge anyone who may be at risk of getting the flu, or of passing it on to someone who is sick, to get the vaccination as soon as possible.”


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