Norman the trotter to take a walk on the city side on Saturday

Heard of trotters? The Burren Nature Sanctuary has its own hot little black micro pig who really enjoys been taken for a walk by children. And on Saturday he is making a special trip from Kinvara to Galway’s Shop Street for a city walk during the Galway International Arts Festival.

Visitors, and children in particular, can meet Norman at 4pm at the tourist office where a winning entry to the Burren Nature Sanctuary will be selected. Children need only guess how many fairies are on the tourist office window in Forster Street.

Fairies and Norman all live happily at the Burren Sanctuary, along with two alpaca, the goat family, the miniature pony, sheep families, a rare breed cattle and a dazzling selection of ducks, hens and chicks. But Norman is the only pig living there - a gift from a nearby friendly farmer to Mary and Roy Bermingham, the owners of the Burren Nature Sanctuary for their first birthday celebrations. Since then he has become a firm favourite at the sanctuary, particularly taking children on his daily walks.

Sundays are special with an extended guided walk with Norman and Mary who will tell children all about the sanctuary, Burren flowers, the geopark and its famous tidal turlough.

Children can also see Norman on the Burren Nature Sanctuary Facebook page, or on the website and on its YouTube channel.


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