Margaretta D’Arcy sent back to prison

Peace activist Margaretta D’Arcy is back in Limerick Prison following her refusal to sign a bond to stay away from restricted areas of Shannon Airport.

The 80-year-old campaigner, writer, and anthropologist, and film-maker has also vowed to go on hunger strike during her two week stay in gaol. She is carrying out the action “in solidarity with all those who have lost their lives” during the US’s ‘war on terror’.”

Ms D’Arcy presented herself for arrest at Mill Street Garda Station at 11am on Wednesday morning, dressed in an orange jumpsuit - a reference to the uniform inmates of the notorious detention centre in Guantanamo Bay are forced to wear. She said the decision to make herself available for arrest was not a publicity stunt, but was an act of solidarity with political prisoners around the world.

Ms D’Arcy was given a two week prison sentence at Ennis District Court on Thursday June 24 for actions on the runway at Shannon Airport on September 1 2013. The sentence was to be suspended if she signed a bond to stay away from restricted areas of the airport and pay a fine of €100. She refused to sign the bond and therefore made herself liable for arrest and detention. She was brought to the prison shortly after 11am on foot of a warrant from Judge Patrick Durcan.

On her entrance and exit from Mill Street, Ms D’Arcy was supported by members of the Galway Alliance Against War. She told them she did not fear returning to prison.


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