The challenge of algebra

Algebra can become a real challenge to students in early secondary school. It builds on and extends the arithmetic that students have met in primary school. However it represents a shift from computational maths — calculating with numbers — to a more abstract world where letters are introduced in place of numbers. Students have to get to grips with the idea of negative numbers, exponents and variables. There are orders of operation and associated rules — not following them leads to the wrong answer. This leads to frustration. Despair follows in short order.

However, just like early maths skills in primary school, algebra follows a structured and progressive pathway. If students take the time to practise the new skills and methods they will gain the fluency needed to be confident and achieve mastery. You just need to take things one step at a time and learn the basic rules before moving on to the more advanced topics.

The First Class Learning course is a structured and comprehensive programme suitable for children of all ages and abilities. Whether your child lacks confidence with schoolwork or wants the chance to develop a talent for maths, FCL will help him/her realise his/her full potential. FCL runs year round and through June and July — the perfect time to catch up on gaps in knowledge.

First Class Learning has centres in Oranmore, Salthill, and Ballinasloe. For a free assessment and an outline of the FCL programme and what it can achieve for your child, ring Frank Murphy PhD on (091 ) 635678 or (086 ) 3724617.


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