1984 school rowers renew rivalry at Sunday’s Galway Regatta

Galway rowers from St Joseph's (Bish ) and Colaiste Iognaid (Jes ) are set to renew rivalries at this weekend's Galway Regatta, including two teams from 1984.

The two schools, together with the Galway Rowing Club, have enjoyed great rivalry over the years, while also producing a wealth of talent.

In 1984 the two schools raced each other many times with the Bish coming out on top and going on to secure the Irish National Championship. However the Jes, coached by Billy Lawless, got the better of the Bish at the Shamrock games when invited USA crews also competed on the Menlo Strait.

Now the the Bish eight has offered to re-row the 1984 Anderson Trophy race 30 years later at the close of this Sunday’s Galway Regatta, based in the NUIG grounds in Dangan.

The Jes have accepted the challenge, and both clubs will use the event as a fundraiser.

Organisers are asking all past members and friends of the Bish and Jes to come along on the day to witness an age-old rivalry.

This invitational 1984 re match will take place at 2pm followed by the current day race for the Anderson Trophy which sees the Bish Junior 16 crew line out against their older clubmates and the Jes in what promises to be a great race at 5.20pm. The Galway Regatta, the oldest in the city, this year celebrates is 130th anniversary.

Jes and Bish rowers selected for Irish team

Six Galway oarsmen have been selected on the Irish junior (under 18 ) rowing team for this year’s home internationals.

Four from the Jes have been selected, Alex Coyne, Darragh McCarthy, Donal Coen and Luke Rigney, while the Bish rowers are Jack Bennett and Kevin Fallon - a testament to the high standard of rowing at both schools.

The team was finalised following a series of four trials that started in September last year and culminated in a highly competitive session at the National Rowing Centre, Inniscarra, Co Cork, in March.

This year the home internationals will take place at the Cork venue on Saturday July 26 and the Irish rowers will hope home advantage will benefit them. In advance of the regatta the full squad will assemble for a week long intensive training camp here in Galway.

Colaiste Iognaid coach John Lawless has been invited to coach the Irish team at the home internationals for the second year, and he will be assisted by Bish coach John Walsh.


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