New Springboard courses in Galway

Fine Gael TD for Galway West and Mayo South Sean Kyne has this week welcomed the launch of additional places on Springboard courses in Galway.

Up to 380 places are being made available in GMIT, NUI Galway and Innopharma Labs Ltd in a range of specialties such as IT and medical devices technologies.

Deputy Sean Kyne commented: “Springboard is a crucial element of the campaign to get people back to work. The programme's strength lies in how it focuses on sectors of the economy which have job vacancies and how it aims to equip jobseekers with the skills and qualifications necessary to start on a new career path.

“In Galway, NUI Galway, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology and Innopharma Labs are participating in Springboard with a range of courses on offer including certificates and diplomas in Medical Devices Technologies, Business Analytics and Pharmaceuticals. These courses match up with many of the job opportunities currently available in Galway’s key industries. GMIT will deliver 45 places with NUIG providing 60. Innopharma Labs Ltd will provide 275 on its courses between Galway and Dublin.

“Springboard courses are free of charge for any job-seeker who is either receiving a payment or credits from the Department of Social Protection. I would encourage jobseekers to examine the choice of courses available both in Galway and at other colleges and universities around the country and consider availing of the opportunity to gain a new skill and qualification.

“This year, work placements are being offered on almost every Springboard course because such placements are a really important way of improving employment prospects. The system is also being made more flexible, as you will no longer have to be long-term unemployed to be eligible. Crucially, Springboard specifically targets areas where there are job opportunities and growth, allowing students to gain awards at certificate, degree and post-graduate level.

Jobseekers in Galway looking to upskill can find out more information by logging onto


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