Jobs boost as SAP to increase Galway roles

There was great news on the job front in Galway this week with German Technology group SAP announcing t is to create 200 technology roles at its bases in Galway and Dublin by the end of the year.

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation, Richard Bruton, announced this week that SAP is to add 200 roles across its business suite and cloud support teams based in Parkmore East Business Park and in Citywest. It also plans to add up to 50 R&D positions at its Citywest campus.

Welcoming the announcement, Liam Ryan, managing director, SAP operations in Ireland, said: “SAP continues to be a great success story in Ireland and the announcement is another strong vote of confidence in the ability of SAP’s Irish based operations to continue to attract talent that will be the source of innovation and support. We are delighted to be creating these new exciting roles to support SAP’s continuing strong business growth and providing excellent career opportunities for talented professionals and graduates to work in Ireland. The technology sector is driving much of the recovery in the economy and is providing the types of jobs and careers that we need to create to compete in an increasingly international and digital world. To truly take advantage of these exciting and emerging job opportunities, we cannot become complacent. I would urge all stakeholders in Ireland’s education and employment sectors to work together to ensure we continue to have a healthy pipeline of talent and skillsets that meet the demands of our businesses.”

The announcement provides opportunities for software developers, data scientists, and quality specialists.

Minister Bruton said: “SAP is a world-leading ICT company and today’s announcement that it is creating an additional 260 jobs is a huge boost for Dublin, Galway, and for the country. ICT is a sector which we have targeted as part of our Action Plan for Jobs, and we have put in place a range of measures to support jobs growth in this area


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