New to Health and Herbs: The Excalibur 9 tray dehydrator

A food dehydrator delivers the vast majority of foods with the same vitamins and minerals as their fresh counterparts, in a remarkable array of concentrated flavours, nutrients, and enzymes.

The dehydration process retains almost 100 per cent of the nutritional content of the food, retaining the alkalinity of fresh produce and inhibiting the growth of microforms such as bacteria.

Dehydrating food dates back to Biblical times when it was a necessity. Modern dehydrators produce a thin food material with its vitamins and minerals still present. Dried vegetables and sprouts, naturally low in high-cholesterol fats, are high in fibre. Almost no vitamin C is lost in dehydration, and all vitamin A--beta carotene--in plant foods is retained. Such minerals as selenium, potassium, and magnesium are preserved.

Dried foods can be rather pricey in a store. A food dehydrator enables you to preserve fresh, nutritious, foods in your own home at a fraction of the cost. The shelf lives of dehydrated foods can be decades long. Add your favourite nuts to dehydrated apples, pineapples, grapes, or cranberries for a tasty and healthy trail mix.

Banana chips are examples of what can be made by dehydrating to three to five per cent moisture content. It is usually a good idea to soak dehydrated foods prior to consumption, preferably in distilled water. This promotes the absorption of just enough water for optimal taste. Another popular method is placing dehydrated food in a steamer. Absorbing steam plumps it up beautifully.

As far as design, reliability and quality, the Excalibur 9 tray dehydrator model is at the head of its class. It is the only machine with the unique Parallexx™ Horizontal Airflow Drying System. With this design, dehydrating is quick and easy, resulting in preservative and additive free food.

Health and Herbs is currently the only store in Galway which stocks this innovative product. In Health and Herbs, the staff are keeping up with the needs and wants of their customers by supplying them with appliances and products needed to keep them healthy.

For more information contact the clinic on (091 ) 583260.


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