‘For every illness, a herb grows nearby’

The Rub is an old herbal remedy that was in Dorrie Killeen’s grandmother’s family for generations. Dorrie’s grandmother used to say, “For every illness, a herb grows nearby.”

The Rub is traditionally used for arthritic pain, back, neck, and muscular pain, trapped nerves, gout, inflammation, sciatica, and burns. Here are some testimonials from users of The Rub:

“I have used The Rub on many occasions for back pain... even on the first day of use I found relief. My husband used it for arthritis in his hip and had great relief with it. My sister suffered with bad back pain and was on a lot of medication. I sent her a bottle of The Rub and she used it with great success.” - Rita, Longford.

“You will be pleased to hear after one week using The Rub my pains began to ease and today I am completely free from pain.” - Christina, Dublin.

“Thank you for The Rub. I find it marvellous for pain and swelling and I am now considerably more mobile.” - Michael, Cork.

The Rub is available from McLoughlin’s Pharmacy, Terryland and Westside; Colm’s Pharmacy, Salthill; Walsh’s Pharmacy, Knocknacarra; O’Flaherty’s Pharmacy, Eglinton Street; Medwell Pharmacy, Palace Fields, and New Harmony health store, Tuam; McLoughlin’s Pharmacy, Flanagan’s Pharmacy, and O'Flaherty's Pharmacy, Athenry and Kinvara; Killian’s Pharmacy, Loughrea; and Broderick's Pharmacy, Holly's Pharmacy, and Jorena’s Health Shop, Ballinasloe.

For further information contact Dorrie Killeen at (090 ) 9683616 or visit dorriekilleent herub.blogspot.com


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