Walk together for life on Saturday

A Walk of Life will take place in Galway on Saturday organised by Níall and Mary McDonagh who are trying to create awareness by remembering the loved ones people have lost while also portraying a positive message of life.

“The walk and mass is open to everyone, but those who are feeling isolated, depressed, struggling with life, or are affected by suicide, please do come along,” says Niall McDonagh. “We want to walk, talk, help, share and listen so we can take steps together to a brighter future.”

A mass with testimony will take place in Galway Cathedral at 12 noon, followed directly by a Walk of Life through Galway. The two-mile walk will take place along the city’s streets and bridges.

“With depression and suicide being an ever present problem within our society, and particularly Galway, we have decided to create awareness by remembering those we have lost and to also portray a positive message of life,” Mr McDonagh says.

“ This walk is for everyone and we would encourage parents to bring children to the Mass and walk. Our young people can never be reminded frequently enough that fulfillment and happiness is there to be sought in life through faith, hope and love.”


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