American candidate seeks to bring US companies to Galway

An American citizen, living in Galway, and standing in the local elections, is campaigning on a platform of bringing US companies to Galway.

Marc Anderson, who is running as an Independent in Galway City Central, said his main goal, if elected, is to “generate jobs in Galway by bringing in companies from the US”.

“As an American that grew up in business, with a father that was a chief executive at a number of US companies, I understand the process the American businesses go through when looking at new locations,” he said. “Galway could provide an attractive package to these companies.” He is also a supporter of the Galway City Outer Bypass, which he said would be another useful to attracting “American business”.

MrAndersonworksfor Medtronic in Galway. He has volunteered for the Amnesty International Galway Chapter.


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