Learn about Alexander Nimmo at city lecture

“Bridges of Nimmo” is the title of a lecture to be given by Noel Wilkins, an emeritus professor of NUI Galway, at the Harbour Hotel, Dock Road on Monday at 8pm.

The event is being organised by the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society and all are welcome.

Mr Wilkins lectured for many years in zoology at NUI Galway and carried out research on fish and shellfish. He studied the influence of Alexander Nimmo on the fisheries by way of the many fishery piers he built in the west of Ireland. This interest broadened to encompass the general legacy of Nimmo to his adopted country and the results will be published in a book entitled Alexander Nimmo Master Engineer: Public Works and Civil Surveys in April.

In this lecture, which is sub-titled “Tales of Mystery and Imagination” he will deal with some of the more interesting bridges designed by Nimmo in Ireland and some that were designed but never built. The lecture will be illustrated with numerous slides.


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