The Western Intercountry Adoption Organisation (WIAO ) is inviting adoptive families, their wider families, and their friends to its summer barbcue on Sunday May 18 in the Cloonacanueen Castle, Tuam Road.
It promises to be a great day with an entertainer, games, bouncy castles, children’s disco, and a delicious barbecue for all. If you would like to attend please e- mail
WIAO has a membership of over 200 adoptive families, with children who are either internationally or domestically adopted. The children range in age from two years to late teens. The group’s aim is to provide a support network for families who share the experience of adoption.
The organisation wants to enable children to develop to their full potential with a strong sense of identity and self- esteem. In order to achieve these aims WIAO understands the importance and beneficial nature of organising educational and social events, and always welcomes new members.