Galway city rejoins IBAL Litter League

Galway city will once again be joining the Irish Business Against Litter in its annual anti-litter league campaign.

Last year more than 80 per cent of towns were deemed to be clean to European norms, among them Galway city, with Kilkenny standing out as the cleanest.

For 2014, IBAL is expanding inspections to include important link roads between towns, such as roads to Ennis and to Ballina, stating that ‘with many business visitors they may not even enter a town, but stay in a hotel on the outskirts and do their business in an industrial park outside the town’s limits’ and for these reasons there is ‘a need to extend our work beyond the strict boundaries of any given town’

IBAL has also spoken against changes to local government, stating that the phasing out of town councils could undo recent progress and that town councils ‘have been at the heart of the improvements to the cleanliness levels of towns’.

Other towns included in the Anti-Litter League are Dublin city, Cork city, Maynooth, and Limerick city.


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