A world-class education for your child

At your local Galway City West Study Centre, Kumon offers individualised maths andEnglishstudy programmes which are tailored to all ages and abilities. Established for more than 50 years, the Kumon programmes enable children to develop their study skills and confidently tackle advanced work.

As a global programme, Kumon does not follow a school curriculum, but is complementary to it. Kumon operates at exactly the right level for each student, ensuring that the material each student encounters extends and develops his/her skills, confidence, and ability. This kind of individual differentiation is a specific benefit of the programmes and makes them an effective complement to the school curriculum.

Children are increasingly being benchmarked against their peers on an international scale, and results, such as those outlined in the recent PISA report, highlight that literacy and numeracy skills are a focus for students across the globe. Kumon aims for its maths and English students to reach an international approximation of their school grade (the Kumon  International Standard ) within their first year of study.

Students at the Galway City West Study Centre, 12- year-old Oisin and 10-year- old Cathal Gormley, said: “Kumon doesn't only improve your mathematics, it improves your studying. It has improved us in leaps and bounds.”

The Galway City West Study Centre is located at the Westside Community Resource Centre, Seamus Quirke Road, with classes running on Mondays and Thursdays from 3pm to 5pm.

For more information contact instructor Denise Heneghan on 091 596372 or email galwaycitywest@kumoncen tre.ie


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