Closing date looms for local election nominations

Ten days remain before nominations to stand in the Local Elections close and one month remains before the public go to the polls.

More than 30 candidates are running for election to the Galway City Council while close to 60 candidates are standing for the Galway County Council. The actual nomination period, when candidates

officially present their nomination papers and are formally lodged with the local Returning Officer, runs from this Saturday until Saturday May 3, meaning little more than a week remains for any remaining individuals to declare their candidacy.

Election posters appeared across the city yesterday, but must be removed within seven days of the poll. Posters still up after that period will attract a fine of €150 per poster per day.

The spending limits for candidates, which commenced on Tuesday March 25, is dependent on the population of an electoral area. For populations of more than 35,000, the limit is €13,000; for populations between 18,001 and 35,000, it is €11,500; populations of 18,000 or less is €9,750.

Polling day itself takes place on Friday May 23 with polling stations open between 7am and 10pm. However the last date for receipt of applications for inclusion on the supplementary register is Tuesday May 6. Applicationformscanbedownloadedfrom or can be obtained from the Galway city and county councils.


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