NUIG law school to host Franco-Irish discussion on marriage equality

The School of Law at NUI Galway, in association with the French embassy in Ireland, will host a Franco-Irish discussion on marriage equality tomorrow, April 25, at 12 noon.

The discussion, which takes place at AM150 the Martin Ó Tuathail Theatre, is open to the public and the keynote speaker will be Erwann Binet, deputy of the French National Assembly. Deputy Binet was the rapporteur for the French “mariage pour tous” (marriage equality ) bill in 2013 and will speak on the political challenges faced in passing the bill through the French parliament.

Dr Eoin Daly of the School of Law said: “Whereas marriage equality was legislated for in France without a referendum – despite significant political and public opposition - the Irish Government has committed to holding a referendum to legalise same-sex marriage in 2015, as it believes that the Constitution in its current form would prevent this from being introduced through ordinary legislation.”

He added: “More than three quarters of the members of the Constitutional Convention recommended that the Constitution should be amended for provide for marriage equality for same-sex couples. Parallel to the debate on marriage rights, there has been a move towards legislative reform concerning assisted reproduction and adoption rights in both countries.”

The event, chaired by Dr Eoin Daly, will provide an insight on the shared experience of Ireland and France in undertaking legislative and constitutional reform in controversial areas of family law. For queries contact [email protected] or 091 493362.


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