Big Brother Big Sister in call for volunteers

The Big Brother Big Sister Programme is seeking volunteers to mentor children and young adults in Galway city and county.

The programme, which has been operating in the west since 2001, matches an adult volunteer to a young person (10-18 years ). The basic idea is that a friendship will form between the young person and adult volunteer, which in turn will promote the positive development of the young person.

The young person and adult volunteer are matched up based on common interests and personality. They meet once a week for a year, and together they decide on the type of activities that they would like to do. Activities can include watching/playing football, having a chat, listening to music, playing sport, or going for a walk.

The programme provides volunteers, from various backgrounds and of various ages, with a chance to share their life experiences and interests with a young person.

Volunteers who apply to the programme will be screened, and if accepted onto the programme they will receive training and ongoing support from professional staff.

The programme is operated by Foróige, the national youth development organisation. The programme is affiliated to the Big Brothers Big Sisters International Organisation, which has developed BBBS programmes in 37 countries throughout the world.

If you would like to volunteer with the Big Brother Big Sister Programme or would like to learn more about the programme, visit or call Alan Quinn on (086 ) 8524920 or Ciara O’Halloran on (087 ) 7996268.


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