Galway Study Centre Easter revision courses

A limited number of places remain on the Leaving and Junior Cert Easter revision classes which will be held at the Galway Study Centre during the Easter holidays. Leaving Cert courses start next Monday, April 14, and continue until Friday April 18, while Junior Cert courses commence from the following week, starting on Tuesday April 22. Teachers will concentrate on key topical areas in each subject and there will be constant emphasis on exam techniques. All classes will be backed up by comprehensive study and revision notes. A wide choice of subjects and times is on offer.

Last January the Galway Study Centre at Mill House in Mill Street celebrated 30 years in Galway. Since 1984 the centre has been providing an excellent tuition service to many hundreds of second level students each year. Weekly after school and Saturday classes take place on an ongoing basis while many courses of shorter duration are run at Christmas and Easter and at other times throughout the school year. There is also a range of study skills classes on offer which occur mainly during September and October. Parents and students who are interested in enrolling for any of the Easter revision courses, or Easter supervised study, should log on to  

 Timetables, course content, fees lists, and application forms can be downloaded from the website. Alternatively call 091-564254 or visit the centre in Mill Street.


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