Shannon set for take-off as nine new routes commence

ShannonAirport will enter significant growth mode this week as nine new routes commence in fivedays in a majorboost for tourism and business interests here as well as for passengers seeking access to some of Europe’s leading destinations.

Less than 15 months after the airport was made independent, Shannon will enjoy its biggest week in almost a decade in terms of new route start-ups as Ryanair launches new services, to Munich, Paris, Faro, Warsaw, Krakow, Nice, Poitiers, Berlin, Fuerteventura,while Aer Lingus kicks-off a new Bristol service.

The 2014 summer season, whichofficiallybegins in April, willsee16service enhancements atShannon, including the nine new routes.

Among the enhanced services is the now year- service which commenced last Sunday. This will be a six times weekly service and is the first time Aer Linguswillhave operated year-round on New York since 2009.

Aer Lingus also started a new twice weekly Malaga service, which will add to the significantly expanded European network to and from the airport this year.

Speaking today, Shannon AirportCEONeil Pakey said that the coming five days are veryencouraging for Shannon. “This week is a turning point for Shannon. Not since 2005 has Shannon had a week like this in terms of new routes starting up and we see this as a real reward for the loyalty of our passengers across Ireland They now have excellent choice from Shannon with 37 attractive destinations in Europe, the UK and North America.”

Shannon Chairman Rose Hynes said that the airport is now offering a level of connectivity that is crucial from an inbound and outbound tourism and business perspective. “Shannon Airport is a catalyst for growth for a regionthatstretches from Cork right up to the North West.

“Wearetheonly airport across this region with transatlantic services and we worked particularly hard on developing that part of our business in 2013.

“We are delighted that this has paid off with new routes and improved connectivity. The next step forus was to grow our European route network and this week sees our efforts here bearing fruit. We listened to what our customers had to say and, with ourairlinepartners, have delivered new services to nine great destinations. These new routes also connectuswith destinations that have a strong inbound market and this presents a great opportunity for tourism here on the West Coast,” she concluded.


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