City candidate Deacy demands ‘proper regulation’ of Cash for Gold shops

Regulating Cash for Gold outlets is vital given such shops ask no questions as to where clients source goods from, or require any certification before purchasing such goods.

This is the view of Fianna Fáil Galway City Central candidate Nicola Deacy, who argues that the Cash for Gold industry’s alleged “‘no questions asked culture’” is inadvertently allowing “criminals to use these shops like an ATM for their stolen goods”.

Ms Deacy proposed a motion on such regulation at the recent Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis in Killarney.

“We need to disincentivise the theft of gold and jewellery,” she said. “We need to deter criminals from breaking into residential properties. The motion would go some way in this regard by putting the Cash for Gold outlets on notice that it is not responsible to accept goods which may be


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