HSE gets green light for additional psychology services

The HSE West has got the go-ahead to provide additional psychology services through a locum.

The local health authority received the approval recently. There are a number of staff members on long term leave.

In a statement a spokesperson said approval was given in recent weeks to provide additional psychology services through a locum.

“This will enable more patients to be seen. Where a psychologist is on-long term leave the psychology service team prioritises referrals and ensures that urgent and emergency patients are seen first.”

The statement outlined that patients’ mental health needs can change and they are encouraged to contact their GP if this is the case.

“Their GP can review them and seek an urgent review if clinically required; patients also have access to 24 hour psychiatry services via the emergency department in Galway University Hospital.

“Galway Roscommon mental health services has a total of 11.5 WHT [whole time equivalent] psychologists providing a wide range of services for general adult mental health. Another psychologist is currently being recruited to the adult service. This level of service is in line with the goals of Vision for Change which aspires to having two clinical psychologists for adult mental health service per sector.”


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