More bus shelters is first step in increasing public transport use, says Lyons

The provision of proper bus shelters could be the first step for motorists seeing an alternative to the car, that is according to Independent city councillor Donal Lyons.

The Galway City West and Knocknacarra councillor made the comments after making representations recently to the Galway Transportation Unit of the Galway City Council to prioritise the roll out of further bus shelters in the greater Knocknacarra and Salthill areas and to concentrate on providing bus shelters at bus stops where there are larger numbers of bus travelling passengers.

The provision of bus shelters is an integral part of Galway City Council’s initiative in trying to reduce the number of cars on roads and getting more of the travelling public to use public transport. Cllr Lyons has received on-going representations from bus passengers regarding the urgent need to have additional bus shelters provided in these areas.

“For far too long people who wished to use public transport have had to queue in all kinds of weather in order to access either of the bus companies who service bus routes in the greater Knocknacarra and Salthill areas.

“The erection of the bus shelters which is part of the Galway Strategic Bus Strategy could see a sea change in people’s travel patterns. In time the strategy proposes quality bus corridors, more frequent services, and better facilities for the travelling public. I believe that the erection of the shelters is the first step for motorists seeing an alternative to the car and I am supportive of the city council’s initiative and hope that it will be embraced by the public and that more people will see the advantage of abandoning the car.

“I have also raised with the GTU the provision of a bus shelter at the Seacrest shops and at Knocknacarra. Last year the necessary Part 8 (planning permission ) for these particular shelters was agreed by Galway City Council and I will be making further representations to have these bus shelters erected as soon as possible.”


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