Mindfulness — what is it, and what are the effects?

Perhaps to begin with a definition is best. Mindfulness is knowing what is happening while it is happening, with a non-judgmental attitude, indeed an open curious attitude. So what does this mean for you? With so many demands of modern living, we often follow habitual patterns. We repeat again and again the same old reactions to life events, particularly when our buttons are pushed. This usually leads to the same old unsatisfactory outcomes. As Tony Robbins once said, “Do what you always do, and you will get what you always get.” To enhance our own wellbeing, and respond to life’s challenges in a new way, it is helpful to train our own minds to become more aware of, and to weaken, our habitual patterns.

Consequently mindfulness training can be described as going to the gym for your mind, and involves moving into the now, into the present moment. What about the effects? In fact most of us would regard the effects as benefits. These, according to the American Psychological Association, are reduced stress, less worry and rumination, improved relationships, less emotional reactivity, increased concentration and insight, and more mental flexibility.

Just Google “the benefits of mindfulness” and scroll through the 3.35 million hits. Alternatively, go to the introduction to mindfulness evening on Tuesday February 18 at 7pm in the Clayton Hotel Galway. Entry to the open evening is €5.

The eight week mindfulness based living course (MBLC ) starts Tuesday February 25 at 7pm in the Clayton Hotel Galway. Booking is essential as numbers are limited. For further details contact martincdelaney@gmail.com, phone 083 3930654, or visit cbtinterpretations.com


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