Drop a dress size with Cooltec

What if we told you that you could drop a dress size without any of the dieting or hard work? What if we told you that exercise was not the only way to slim down and tone up?

A treatment called Cooltec, available at Therapie Clinics nationwide including Shop Street in Galway, is getting remarkable results in the battle against the bulge. So much so, the clinic has experienced a record demand and has had to implement a three week waiting list for the treatment.

Belly fat, back fat, abdominal fat, or excess fat on the thighs (inner and outer ), hips, and buttocks can all be targeted and reduced by between 20 and 40 per cent after just one session.

The beauty of the treatment is that the results are said to be akin to liposuction with none of the downtime or invasive surgery.

“A friend of mine told me about the treatment at Therapie Clinic,” one client said. “I just can’t believe the results, a loss of four inches from around my middle. My tum is so much flatter and tighter, clothes look and feel so much better on me. I haven’t been a size 10 for years.”

Results can be seen in as little as 15 days after treatment and the full extent of the fat loss is visible approximately three months afterwards. The body continues to metabolise and eliminate the fat over this period.

Therapie Clinic has clinics nationwide including Shop Street in Galway, and offers free consultations. Phone 091 539 900 or see www.therapieclinic.com


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