Crowe warns Eyre Square may have to be closed to repair grass damaged by market

Eyre Square’s Kennedy Park may have to be closed to the public so work can take place to restore the grasslands damaged during the Christmas Market.

This is the view of Fianna Fáil city councillor Ollie Crowe who said the state Eyre Square was left in following the departure of the Continental Christmas Market on December 22 is “entirely unacceptable”.

While the Galway City Central councillor said the market was “a massive success bringing thousands of visitors to the city”, he now has “considerable concerns” over the condition of the grass and the eyesore it presents to both locals and visitors to the city.

A bond of €20,000 was paid by the organisers, the Galway City Business Association, which is held in the event of any damage being caused to the area. However, Cllr Crowe said it is unclear whether the bond will be sufficient to cover the cost of repairs. He also said it is likely the square will need to be closed off for a period while repair work is carried out.

Cllr Crowe has placed a motion on the Galway City Council agenda for a masterplan to be developed for Eyre Square.

“An €11 million investment was made in Eyre Square a number of years ago which is not reflected in its current state,” he said. “The people of Galway, as well as rate paying businesses in the area, deserve a far better square than we have currently.”

Cllr Crowe also said the new plan for Eyre Square should look at how to restore the statue of Pádraic Ó Conaire and the Crimean cannons to the area and look at solutions to the state of the Browne doorway which is enclosed.


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