Twenty per cent off gift vouchers at Therapie Clinic

Are you planning to do some last minute shopping this week? Fear not, head to Therapie Clinic at the top of Shop Street and avail of its 20 per cent off gift vouchers offer.

You will also find beautifully packaged gift sets for him and for her from the best skin care brands in the world, the doctor developed Murad range, Image Skincare, and of course the legendary Eve Lom.

The Royal Apothic Collection of gifts is another wonderful option. You will earn brownie points too as celebrity fans include Victoria Beckham. Choose from fragrances, candles, and hand creams from only €19.95. The packaging is simply incredible — pop in and see for yourself.

Visit Therapie Clinic and see the extensive collection for yourself. Call Therapie Clinic on 091 539 900 or shop online at


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