Community text alert scheme can deter crime says Cheevers

Communities on the east side of the city should come together to take charge of the new text alert programme which aims to alter gardai to suspected criminal activity.

This is the view of Fianna Fáil Galway City East candidate Alan Cheevers who is calling on residents’ associations to nominate individuals to take charge of the text alert scheme in their estates or streets.

Over the course of the last three weeks meetings have taken place in conjunction with both the community gardaí and Muintir na Tíre, the community development association, to implement structures and roll the initiative out over the east side of the city.

The scheme works on the basis that if there is an attempted or actual burglary, or suspicious behaviour is observed, a person can call a designated Garda number from which the Garda will investigate the incident and a text will be sent to all the participants in the scheme in that particular area.

“This initiative serves as an extremely effective deterrent,” said Mr Cheevers. “When criminals are aware there is a system like this in place, they are less likely to enter the area in question. The old adage, ‘There’s safety in numbers’ comes to mind. If we stand together we are establishing a safer environment in which to live.”

Those interested in getting involved in the community text alert scheme should contact Alan Cheevers on 087 - 6939631


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