Exhibition to celebrate Kenyan independence

Fifty years of Kenyan independence from British colonial rule will be marked with a new exhibition to be opened in the Galway Education Centre next week.

The GEC, in collaboration with the Kenyan Embassy in Ireland, is launching this photographic exhibition which opens on Tuesday December 17 at 5pm in the GEC, Cluain Mhuire, Wellpark.

This exhibition will be opened by Immaculate Wambua, Charge D’Affaires, of the Embassy of the Republic of Kenya in Ireland. This exhibition will feature Kenyan history, art, education, tourism, and wildlife. It will run for two weeks.

On December 12 1963, Kenya gained independence from Britain. The road to independence began in the 1950s with the Mau Mau rebellion. The Mau Mau movement was a militant African nationalist group that opposed British colonial rule and its exploitation of the native population.

All are welcome to the launch of the exhibition.


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