Expand your life in three weeks

Harvey Wasserman’s Expand Your Life In Three Weeks workshops have one major purpose — to demonstrate that many emotional problems can respond to simple techniques. Wasserman will present exercises that help with depression, anxiety, and other emotional problems. They will help identify negative thinking and the many beliefs and experiences that limit personal growth and expansion.

“I have learned many of my expansive exercises from the great teachers of the past 50 years, Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson, Al Lowen, and many others,” Mr Wasserman said. “I have studied with native healers around the world and created original experiences of my own. ‘Workshop’ means that I work and you as attendees work, experiencing and perhaps voluntarily sharing your personal experiences. Feedback from past workshops has been very positive, with a few reports of transformational experiences — the lifting of a chronic depression, losing an alcohol addiction.”

The next series will take place on three Saturdays, February 22, March 1, and March 8 at the Victoria Hotel. Sessions begin at 10am sharp and finish at 4pm. There is room for 40 participants; no reservations will be taken. Cost is €2 per workshop.

For more information on Harvey Wasserman MD see www.harveywasserman.ie


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