THE GALWAY University Hospitals Arts Trust is seeking artists to apply for its 2014 exhibition programme. The deadline for applications is Monday December 9.
Applications must include an artist’s statement; a proposal with details about the work and ideas on how it can fit in a health setting; why you would like to exhibit or engage with the hospital; up to date CV; images of previous work in PC compatible DVD/CD format, accompanied by an image list with titles, medium, and dimensions; and an SAE for return of work.
As part of the exhibition programme, GUH Arts Trust is interested in artists/curators who wish to include artists’ talks, workshops, etc, as part of an exhibition. Artists/curators should keep in mind that the GUH is programming for an acute hospital setting with vulnerable people.
Proposals should be addressed to Margaret Flannery, arts director, Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust, University Hospital, Newcastle Road, Galway. Submissions can also be emailed to