Bish students’ generosity wins Arrabawn’s €1,000 kindness accolade

Arrabawn Dairies has just rewarded students from the Bish Secondary School €1000 for their kindness shown towards a homeless man on Shop Street. The four young boys were spotted buying a coffee for the man, who had been lying asleep in the rain. The prize was given as part of Arrabawn’s Legendary Acts of Kindness Campaign, in which they reward people who are nominated for carrying out a selfless act with one of the fortnightly €1000 prizes.

The person who submitted the letter to the Bish, who wishes to remain anonymous, said, “Despite their youth, they had done something for that man that dozens of others passing by did not do, and they were probably only first years. They are a credit to Bish Secondary School and their families for their charitable behaviour and the good example they set for helping out this man.”

The students were nominated for Arrabawn’s prize by David Muldoon from COPE who said, “In COPE Galway we deal with hundreds of people each week who show Legendary Acts of Kindness through donating their time, skills and money to our cause.”

“I was recently in the Bish school giving a talk to students, when the principal mentioned the letter he had received from a woman who commended four students from the school who bought a cup of coffee for a homeless man on Shop Street. I'd like to nominate The Bish for the €1,000 prize to go towards the school’s work. I know it's not a specific person but I think they deserve to be rewarded for their Legendary Act of Kindness.”

Ciaran Doyle, Principal of Bish Secondary School said, “I am delighted that the kind actions of some of our first year boys have been recognised by Arrabawn’s Legendary Acts of Kindness Campaign. In the spirit of generosity we will forward the cheque to the charity SERVE, a development and volunteering organisation that currently has volunteers in the Philippines following the typhoon disaster.

“We have a number of Filipino students in the school and one of our teachers volunteered in Cebu a number of years ago, so it is something that is very close to us.”

To keep up with the selfless acts being shown by so many customers, Arrabawn will be leading by example by demonstrating their very own acts of kindness. From now until the end of November, if the Arrabawn Legends team spot a customer with any Arrabawn product in his/her shopping trolley during the supermarket activations, he/she could get the entire shopping bill paid for on the spot.

To find out more information, or to enter someone into the competition to win €1000 for a Legendary Acts of Kindness, visit or


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