Fugitive Papers @ TULCA

FUGITIVE PAPERS, an artistic research project to explore ideas about art, writing, criticism, and public reaction in Ireland, is coming to TULCA.

TULCA, Galway city’s festival of visual art which runs until November 24, will see Fugitive Papers hold a launch and a talk, entitled Slow Visibility, on Saturday, November 23, from 2pm to 6pm, in the Nuns Island Theatre.

Ireland has seen a surge of art practices alternatively termed community-based, collaborative, research and/or time-based. These practices are inadequately represented in gallery exhibitions, collections, and critical reception, which tend towards the individual producer of objects. In turn, these double up as criteria of selection in the reputational economy of the arts, which can often lead to eaxclusion.

This will be the topic for discussion with artists Michelle Browne, Sarah Browne, Maria Kerin, Alice Lyons, Christine Mackey, Deirdre O’Mahony, Ailbhe Murphy, Judith Stewart, Ciaran Smyth, and Seoidín O’Sullivan.

The discussion will be followed by the launch of Fugitive Papers # 5 at 5pm. Fugitive Papers was founded by James Merrigan and Michaële Cutaya and seeks to open debate about art practices and art-writing through public discussions, printed journal, and online.

Admission to the event is free. See fugitivepapers.org


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