Paramilitarism was introduced to Ireland when Edward Carson and James Craig formed the UVF in 1912. This act would inspire Irish nationalists to create a similar force year later.
The Irish Volunteers were formed in 1913 and were centrally involved in the planning and organisation of resistance to British rule in Ireland. It was involved in the 1916 Rising and was the forerunner of both the IRA and the Irish Defence Forces.
The Irish Volunteers will be the subject of a public lecture which takes place in the lecture hall, USAC, Renmore Barracks, at 8pm on Thursday November 21.
The talk, The Irish Volunteers – Formation, Organisation & History, will be given by Comdt Padraic Kennedy, director of military archives of the Defences Forces, Cathal Brugha barracks, Dublin. He is currently overseeing the planning of a major exhibition on the history of the Volunteers.
Admission is €5 or free for members. Membership can he had for €10 for the season, available on the night. The talk will be followed by drinks and light refreshments in the Mess. For more information email