Car park essential for Kinvara says Higgins

Labour Senator Lorraine Higgins has today called on Galway County Council to provide car parking facilities in Kinvara.

Senator Higgins explained that Kinvara’s ongoing parking problems can only be solved with the creation of proper car-parking facilities.

“In many ways, Kinvara is a victim of its own tourism success story and a car park is the only solution long-term,” she said.

“Residents have ongoing difficulties concerning parking, particularly during the town’s two festival weekends, Fleadh na gCuach in May and Cruinniu na mBád in August, and every weekend when there is an influx of people for the market.”

Senator Higgins said that Galway County Council must take a long-term view of the future infrastructural needs of Kinvara and make enquiries concerning available landbanks in the area to cater for this pressing need.


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