Lyons advises residents to be more security conscious after increased crime spate

Galway city west and Knocknacarra councillor Donal Lyons is advising residents to be more conscious about the security of their cars and houses following a increase in petty crime in the Salthill and Knockncarra areas over the past five to six weeks.

Cllr Lyons told the Advertiser yesterday that he has been made aware of the increase by local residents groups, individuals, and householders.

“The thefts are mainly opportunist with break-ins to cars where valuables have been left unattended. Mobile phones, handbags, loose change, and other valuable items are being targeted. There have also been a number of break-ins to cars where valuables were clearly visible, and again removed. There has also been an increase in unauthorised entry to private residences where windows and doors have been left unlocked and open, and again opportunists have gained access to remove lap-tops, phones, etc, and other disposable items which can be easily disposed of and which are visible to the public.

“Over Halloween, items such as lawnmowers have also been stolen from unlocked garden sheds and have been burned in public walkways. There have also been a number of attempted break-ins where front doors are being literally kicked in because of the poor front locks can easily pop open.”

The gardai in Salthill have issued an appeal for motorists and residents to be more vigilant when leaving their property in cars, and have called for private residences to be locked and secured properly so that the present opportunist thefts can be reduced.

“In this regard it is vital to pass on any information to the gardai so that those responsible for such behaviour are arrested and brought before the courts. I am appealing to individuals and resident groups in Knocknacarra and Salthill, to come forward with any information which would be of assistance to the gardai to bring those involved in this anti-social behaviour to justice.”


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