Fianna Fáil to choose city election candidates next week

their names forward to run for Fianna Fáil in the 2014 Local Elections, but there will be competition for places as the party will only run six candidates next year.

Fianna Fáil will hold its Local Election selection convention in the Galway Bay Hotel on Sunday November 17 at 6pm.

The party will run six candidates, two standing in each of the city’s three wards. Fianna Fáil is aiming to win a minimum of four seats at the 2014 locals.

Fianna Fáil currently has three elected members on the Galway City Council - Peter Keane (Galway City West ), Ollie Crowe (Galway City Central ), and Michael J Crowe (Galway City East ). All three will run again, but apart from Cllr Keane, the exact running mate of each councillor has yet to be determined.

The two candidates running in each ward will be restricted to covering a specific geographic area. The idea is not to split the vote, but to maximise the total FF vote in the ward, and through this and transfers, try to have both candidates elected.

Confirmation of this comes from the fact that ahead of the convention, it is already widely known David Burke will be unopposed to join Cllr Peter Keane in Galway City West.

Cllr Keane will canvass Taylor’s Hill/Salthill as he is a native of the area and has established a base there since the 2009 locals. Mr Burke will work Knocknacarra where he is well known from his work as chair of the Salthill/Knocknacarra GAA club.

Galway City Central is likely to be the most contested area for nominations. Cllr Crowe will have no problem in being selected. It is understood that Local Area Rep Emmet Greaney; Shantalla based Nicola Deacy; and Tirellan based Johanna Downes, who ran in the 2009 locals, will be seeking to join him on the ticket. There is also speculation that the former mayor Martin Quinn may put his name forward.

Joining Cllr Michael J Crowe in Galway City East is likely to be FF Local Area Rep Alan Cheevers who has already been canvassing the eastern parts of the ward and been involved in community issues in Roscam and Doughiska. There is also speculation that former city councillor Mary Leahy may be interested in running again.


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