The Ambassador of Albania is to visit Galway this month to unveil a photographic exhibition which is being launched by the Galway Education Centre in collaboration with Irish Friends of Albania.
This historic event will take place on Monday, November 25 when Mr Mal Berisha will launch the exhibition at 5pm at the Galway Education Centre at Cluain Mhuire, Wellpark, Galway. The photographic exhibition which will last two weeks is dedicated to the 101 anniversary of the Independence of Albani - independent Albania was proclaimed on November 28, 1912.
This event will host representatives from the Galway City Council, County Council and members of the Oireachtas in conjunction with members of the Albanian community in Galway. The National University of Ireland, Galway, and University Hospital Galway will also be represented by Irish medics who are volunteers of the Irish Friends of Albanian Foundation.
All are welcome to attend the launch which will start at 5pm and continue until 7pm.
For more information on this event contact Galway Education Centre on 091-745600 or email